Be merciful to me, O God, for men hotly pursue me;
Psalm 56:1a
Due to Justin's recent comments on Bible exposition and the encouragement of my partner in ministry, Amanda, I have decided that my first big Girl's Conference that I speak at should be centered around the theme laid out in the verse above.
What do you think?
We could even have T-shirts.
(front) Be merciful to me, O God ...
(back) for men HOTLY pursue me.
Hmm ... how should my outline look? What topics should I cover?
LOL. That takes the cake.
rofl - very funny
i'm thinking one session could be
"How to Entice Pursuit"
another could be
"How to fight off Mr. Wrong"
and another:
"How to Choose Which One"
what else?
I'd have to rely majorly on my "acting" skills to pull this one off. Ha, as if I have extensive experience! Could you just imagine?!!! Ha!
Love it!
Please send me a t-shirt.
i think you should design it for us!
I know! You guys set it up and I'll do the conference in Hobart!
I should start my own
SupportStine site to raise money to go to Oz.
naturally ... sounds like you got a sweet hookup when you went to OZ ... keep your eyes and ears open for me!
watch out SupportMike ... SupportStine is going on tour, as well.
Lots of tall guys at our church CK...must be something in the water...
whatever Craig! I heard ya'll Sydney-siders are shorties.
Well, there were 2 or 3 at church mikes height or taller, which is saying something.
Your latest pix are good advertising... ;-)
Smarm smarm smarm smarmy smarm smarm smarmo
I object to the suggestion that my compliment was not sincere...
I have no doubt men pursue you, but if you keep putting pictures up the offers will be via e-mail rather than real people in your own state.
I have issues with how some girls fight off Mr. Wrong. There are ways, and there are cruel ways that can't be justified. And you never know, Mr.Wrong can morph into Mr.Right given some time. I learnt this reading a novel my sister had when she was in grade 6. :) The slightly arrogent boy at the beggining of the book (summer camp counselor), would be the handsom boy in white by the end.
(But in your case, Mr.Wrong will be the one not yet familiar with Habakkuk!)
There *are* cruel ways of rejecting Mr Wrong. I think lying and making excuses is somewhat cruel - better to be up front. Using Mr Wrong as an emotional stop-gap is also cruel.
Still, girls like that pretty quickly get a reputation. Guys do talk to each other as well - maybe not as much. And you do take note of how a girl treats other guys. And sometimes you think "there's one to be avoided".
Hey--I've got an idea for the theme song to kick off the event. IT'S RAINING MEN! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!
really pretty pictures... Im loving the lines... maybe we can bring it out at the DG conference!!! Looks like you had a lot of fun July 4th.. I almost wish I didnt cancel my trip out there.. Oh well... next time!!!
"Be merciful to me, O God, for men hotly pursue me"
When I first read that verse, I thought it said:
"Be merciful to me, O God, for hotly men pursue me"
Okay so that is GREAT! Hilarious! I'd love to see it. And I'd love a t-shirt. :)
Ha, that's great!
and *I* object that you think that's why I posted those pics! hmph.
... as if height were my only criteria, Craig. Sheesh. Need I remind you of THIS?!!
Well, those were Mike's opinions...
Hey Christine, you're inspirational:
opinions with which quite a few of the female commentors agreed with ...
'Be Merciful to me O God, for men hotly pursue me'
Tagline: What to do when there are too many men.... and too little time.
Talk 1: Being Beyoodiful
Talk 2: being popualr
Workshop: How hard it is to be both beayoodiful and popular.
Talk 3: Gently rebuffing the rejects
Talk 4: Playing hard to get with the Hotties
1.Perfecting wide eyed innocence when being asked out 101.
2. Subtle manipulation 102 * Prerequisite of previous years Subtle Manipulation 101.
3. Making gossip seem like prayer points.: How to brag abut conquests while seeming godly.
Prayer to thank God for how Beayoodifal we all are. Prayer to ask God to protect us from unwanted advances.
There's your proagram Stine!
Possible T-shirt logo for your consideration: a bench under a tree. Solitary female on bench (book optional, startled expression essential). Thoughts?
Can't wait to meet you at the DG conference with Sajini...I'll give you my t-shirt sketches then!
AHAHAHA, all through high school that was the verse my friends and I traded as encouragement . . . too bad it wasn't true for most of us (still isn't)
How long did I try and come up with a comback for the "men hotly pursue me"
A long time... a very long time and nothing :( . Love you
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