I think its like arminianism and calvinism. In one sense people find arminianism easier because it has complicated rules of do this and do that and you'll get there, whereas calvinism puts people off because it's already all taken care of.Obviously PCs are arminians and make you do lots of stuff before you get anything and Macs are calvinists - it's all done for you.And the reality is it takes a long time for arminians to shake off their heritage and fully embrace calvinism.
courtesy of an anonymous response to Ruth the Beloved
that comment absolutely cracked me up....
Ruth has a blog! Cool!
Interestingly enough, a similar idea was proposed by Umberto Eco, who compared Macs Catholicism, DOS to Protestantism and Windows to Anglicanism.
Windoze peecees are like salvation by works.
Macs are like salvation by grace.
Macs are like Calvinism because no one cares about them anymore and they are only used by people who think they are special, but really aren't.
Oh... so THIS explains why I'm such a Mac lover? Thanks! ;)
Man I almost wanted to throw my mac out the window...I'll just ignore the comment haha.
i totally agree, especially since I got my MacBook yesterday!!!!!
Be careful brothers and sisters. There will be both calvinists and armenians in Heaven. It all comes down to the blood of Jesus...NOT what group you belong to!
I was raised in a calvinist church...and now I attend an armenian church. And you know what? I don't get off on it! I just know what Jesus did for me and what a diffence he has made in my life!
I don't think that you'd find many who would disagree with you here, Priscilla.
Most of us here would say that we affirm what Calvin taught. However, (speaking for myself) I prefer referring to myself as a Christian.
I have searched the Scriptures under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have read the works of wiser men who have gone before me.
I prefer not to wield the swords of other men, rather, I prefer the Word of God.
God preordained, for his own glory and the display of His attributes of mercy and justice, a part of the technology industry, without any merit of their own, to eternal salvation, and another part, in just punishment of their sin, to eternal damnation.
I go to a calvinist church. I would go to an armenian church, but the commute is too long.
I don't decide on a church based upon whether it is armenian or calvinist. I happen to go to an armenian church...but I loved my old church too.
I choose on whether the Word of God is living and active in that church. Are people living and walking by the Spirit of Truth? Can I grow here?
I love what John Calvin said. I always thought he had quite a wit...
Well anonymous, it appears that you simply aren't preordained as one of the chosen few. You might as well just sleep in on Sunday mornings.
or ... come to my church in the evening, Anon. Obviously, John C. doesn't want you but you'd be welcome here.
You know, there is a large armenian population in chicago, you may save time on the commute if you found a church there.
ah, yes. all nationalities are welcome at my own church.
What in the world does belonging to the country of Armenia ("Armenian") have to do with one's eternal destination? Spell check, please.
lol! Sorry!
Just giving you a hard time...Hope you had a good weekend!
Oh I knew it. I had to laugh at myself too!
Umberto Eco said the opposite...
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