Carmen says,
i see you read my blog! I'm flattered.
Oh, i'm not being driven to the convent.
I'm rather liking it. Just kidding,christine.
She's just influential in encouraging us to
find our identity in Christ, not in our
culture's idea of what life should be like.
And she would go somewhere with a guy...
if a nice one were brave enough to ask her!
THANK YOU! Carmen. Hopefully that will set some misconceptions to right.
Im so lost!! :(
Here's the deal. I may have at one time had the reputations of being a "Snow Queen" and "Dating Nazi."
"Snow Queen" - Some thought it was rather fitting when I got cast for the role of "Snow Queen" in a college winter dramatic performance. Let's just say that I'm rather independent. Not one to ... shall we say ... "dote" on the men-folk. I appreciate them and think they make great pals. I just haven't encountered one that I "need" yet.
"Dating Nazi" - I am rather vocal about my philosophy of teenagers dating. Mainly, don't. One time I was chapping a youth trip to an amusement park. Who did the leaders put with the dating couples (one of them being Carmen ... good kids)? You betcha! ME! The youth all had a good laugh about it. I may have even swayed a few into thinking that arranged marriage wasn't such a bad idea ... I meant it as a joke ... but it seems some of them took me seriously.
Well, anyway. Craig S. scolded me for running all young women into the convent. Carmen's just sticking up for the one who taught her everything she knows.
Glad you got that off your chest...
just explaining ... that's all.
don't want people walking around during the day thinking, "Argh! What's with Christine? I heard she was telling people to join convents."
(lots of pirates around these parts.)
Got it!!! Hey i have seen arranged marriages work.. so not my preference!! I enjoy the way you are Christine.. A breath of fresh air!!!!
Please explain the photo??
explanations take away from the imagination
but i will indulge ...
My Senior year in college I was finally "discovered." After auditioning every single semester since Fall of my Freshman year, I had finally given up. There was obviously no need in the drama department for a giantess (not even a jolly green one). Why bother trying again?
But ... as it happened, a friend of mine was directing a play adaptation of the story "Snow Queen." She came into the art labs one evening wondering if I had seen Rachel. It was odd seeing a Speechie snooping among us. Especially one actually looking for one of us "odd" artists.
Why? I asked.
My friend wanted Rachel to come to a callback for her play.
Which play?
Snow Queen.
At which point, my dearest friend, Dolly, pushed me forward, declaring that I would be perfect for the part.
I felt a bit sheepish. She hadn't come looking for ME afterall.
Sure, you can come too, if you want.
Are you sure?
Why not.
The rest is history. The role was in the bag (however, one Speechie never quite forgave me for "stealing" the role of the Snow Queen away from her).
I really enjoyed my costume. Because I was quite the seamstress, myself, I had quite a say in the construction of my costume. The dress was a white velvet with a glorious train and a feather boa attached to the neck and wrists (I would have preferred no silver tinsel). The greatest addition to the costume was the icicle belt (completely my idea). When I moved, the icicles would tinkle together creating an eerie, icy sound that sent chills down people's backs.
I also designed my own make-up. Rumors quicly spread of the girl with "blue lips."
The photo is after one of our performances. "Gerta" who I had no interaction with in the play, is imprisoned withing the train of my dress. Ha ha ... I actually remember making my entrance once onto the stage and my train got stuck on a nail and I couldn't move. Still in character, I shot a look at the Stephen whose character I had enticed to come to my Ice Castle (and was now my slave) and motioned for him to free my dress. In a trance he bent down and removed my hem from the nail that had snagged it. And the play went on ... no one knew.
The only rotten thing was that for a play called "Snow Queen," the Snow Queen only had two whole lines.
What the heck?!!
But it led to my being cast in the two other plays the following semester. James and the Giant Peach (Miss Spider) and Lena Rivers (Mrs. Livingstone). Neither was surprising ... supposedly I was good at acting the part of the elegant, coniving, seductress/I-want-everything-my-own-way-mother.
oh yes, and my character scared a little boy in the audience.
Regarding arranged marriages... it's not as bad as what i assumed at first! When christine and i say we're going to have arranged marriages, we don't necessarily mean allowing our parents to arrange them for us. We meant to let God arrange our marriage, and not sell ourselves short by taking it into our own hands.
I totally dig the Snow Queen costume and whole Snow Queen thing. Tres Cool.
Are you standing on something, or is there some opitical illusion going on there or are you really that tall??
Shiloh - nope. that's me in all my freakishly tall glory. wait! no, i think i WAS wearing heels that night, too. okay, so the "freakishly tall glory" had a little help that night.
Arranged Marriage - i asked my parents and they said no.
The sad thing is, Christine, my parents would LOVE to arrange my marriage.
Yeah, I know. But my parents have a good reason not to. The only elligible men they know are not even elligible, because they're all German. And I'm not allowed to marry a German man.
WHy cant you marry a German?
it's hard to explain, Sajini. it's a cultural thing.
My father was even discipling a German fellow recently and would have given me his blessing right away, if it weren't for the fact that he was German.
Actually, here's his testimony. He was baptized by my Dad last month.
Aww... thats too bad cause my friend married a German and he is just the coolest. They have a blog called the bruised reed on my page. My friend reminds me of you!!
Ah, the Czechs have long memories - don't blame you.
Ok, I've got to ask - just how tall *are* you Christine. Metric or imperial will be fine...
But Christine, Heiko is so cute!
Craig - are you comparing them to elephants? and what does their memory have to do with anything? I'm 5'14".
Shiloh - Yeah, he's also a helicopter pilot ... but no cigar. He's German.
Not quite elephant like memories...
HA! what are you talking about, Craig?
I really have no idea...
Snow queen is your mean alter ego... I love the real Christine
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