This is an IM conversation I had earlier today:
friend says:
ha, i just heard [Ben Jelen's Christine] the other day. did you know there is also a Five Iron Frenzy song that mentions you?..
Christine says:
no ... i'll have to see if i can find it
what do you think ... is that one about me, too ... or some other chick with my name?
i can't find it
which song?
friend says:
ha, okay, so i have heard this song for years and thought the lyrics were "christine i miss you" but evidently it is "christie i miss you." The song is "Ugly Day."
I can't believe this ever happened,
I didn't think it ever could,
I'm the author of sappy love songs,
Trading in my bachelorhood.
Something snapped deep inside me,
Something that somebody said,
I felt the brush of angels wings then,
Your voice echoed in my head.
Ugly Day the sun is shining,
Every cloud's got a silver lining.
Ugly day the skies are blue,
Now every day is ugly without you.
Are the one pure thing,
That I've always prayed for.
Scales are falling from my eyes,
I must have been so blind before.
I would lie down on the street,
To keep the dust off of your feet,
I would kneel each time I kissed you,
Anything Christie I miss you.
Today was an ugly one,
Just like all the others.
All the flowers and the birds,
Making me feel smothered.
I would lie down on the street,
To keep the dust off your feet,
I would kneel each time I kissed you,
Anything Christine I miss you.
Christine says:
i always wondered that about guys
why do they get all gushy when they fall in love
it's as if ... bam! ... they all of a sudden wax eloquent
and feel a need to write poetry
friend says:
its the miracle of the inspirational muse.
Christine says:
hmm ... i'm not sure girls catch that same muse
i think they always have it
they dream of it ... etc.
friend says:
guys need inspiration. girls are it.
Christine says:
makes sense
What do you think? Why do guys get all eloquent when they fall in love?
This guy says that girls are actually pretty fruity.
I do like the song though. FIF
P.S. I am all but eloquent. I always get scared and chop all my sentances in half and dumb stuff like that.
Do guys get all eloquent, or simply feel the need for eloquence?
I dont know why but its real cute and sweet!!!
I have some beautiful emails from our courting days. Its almost a shame we aren't apart sometimes so that I could have written memories of the beautiful things that my husband says to me....
as to whether men get more eloquent when they're in love, I don't know. I just asked my husband if he was so eloquent before he fell in love with me, he said "No".
But I don't think that's true :)
Maybe it's kind of like Byron says, they find something to wax lyrical about? The joy of finding someone with whom you can live your dreams is very inspiring.
We both got incredibly gushy!
I think I need a bucket ;)... in fact two. One for me to be sick into and another to hit that guy over the head with...
So this guy likes you or what? Maybe he was trying to give you a hint
I think it's because of witchcraft. I think women cast spells upon men that cause them to wear pink and write poetry.
I'm not sure exactly why, but it's true. Women bring out the inner-poets in us.
you're just jealous, mike ... cuz you know you could never write such ethereal poetry ... ok, maybe it did smack a bit of cheddar ... no, it was more like cheese-in-a-can.
anonymous - i think you're reading into it.
No, I agree with Mike. The lyrics are absolutely horrible and the music is even worse. Sorry to be so negative. Its probably the "music snob" coming out in me.
I think a man should still sound like a man when he writes love songs, not like a silly little girl. While I'm not a huge Coldplay fan, Chris Martin has a wonderful ability to write a beautiful love song and still maintain respectability.
That's just my two-cents, which really isn't worth anything, is it?
Oh that was me, Laura Beth, that wrote that. Although I'm sure Alex would agree with me on this one.
ha ha ... no, i agree with you and Mike, Laura Beth. That's why i compared it with Cheez-Whiz ... bleh. I haven't heard the music myself.
Do you consider the Song of Solomon "gushing"?
I didn;t want to say that I didn;t like the song, in case someone else did, particulalrly christine. It's not the best love poetry....
Yes the song is cheesy (most definitely the kind in a can), the band is fun and cheesy. Not the greatest in musical standards (sorry to all you high brow music connoisseurs) but just a bunch or guys and a girl having fun. And besides its an old high school song anyway. Mike, anonymous don't read into it, its just a song that happened to have christine's (or what sounded like) name in it. And Mike thanks for not hitting me in the head with you puke bucket.
I watched the best cage fight on the weekend...
Haha - just mucking around (I did watch a good cage fight). Yes, I have been prone to extreme gushiness when I've fallen in love. As an adolescent I penned the odd bad love poem...
Thread Jack. You don't need to be in love to write "gusy" poetry. Mike does "Gushy" Poetry.
Yea! I love my "hated" Anonymous! For all you Aussies, relatives of Jim the 3rd, and random chicks and guys across the globe, this is Anon. You haven't met him yet. He's one of my most favorite people ever!
Mike, it's a good thing you'll be in ministry and then maybe Bible college for a while before you're off to minister to Aboriginal communities ... you need that time to improve your eloquence before you can woo a lovely woman to join you. ... for instance, I'd stay away from rhyming "poo head" with "face so red."
Paul Dame - totally. not all gushiness is bad, just a bit difficult to understand for a single woman, like myself.
I like it in small doses. Too much does take away from a guy's masculinity.
"I'd stay away from rhyming "poo head" with "face so red.""
Thanks Christine, he's deleting it from his poetry stash this minute! You saved the day!
I'm glad he has friends like you, Amy, to help him out.
That song got me into FiF.
They are awesome (in fact, one could say they are the 'awsome-est'!
Depsite the chees, that song nearly brought me to tears.
I miss FiF.
That should read 'cheese'.
"I'm glad he has friends like you, Amy, to help him out."
*Sigh* I'm working on it ;) I'm sure he can only benefit form honest female feedback :)
I don't think guys get gushy because they're in love - I think they feel free to express it because they're in love...I think being in love with a girl and being loved in return, takes away a guy's vulnerability - he knows she won't laugh...
(or perhaps he's watched too much 'Dead Poet's Society'??)
My hubby was never gushy... Where and how do you girls get them to be gushy? What's your secret?
And Christine, Jim the 3rd told me he wasn't anon. I figured I'd grill him, cause once the "hated" anon sounded like him... and Jim is my big brother.
nah ... jim doesn't know me THAT well.
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