Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
perfectly agreeable
Sunday, February 26, 2006
age ... a passing acquaintance

I've never really been on friendly terms with my age ... but neither have the terms been unfriendly. More like "How do you do?" when passing on the street terms. It's like those moments when you see a fellow blogger on the sidewalk and you think ... "I know I must know them from somewhere," ... so you give a slight nod when you make eye contact when passing and then wrack your brain afterwards wondering how you know the person.
Today my age and I intersected paths when I was in the dressing room at Target. It's an awkward place to meet. The hall is narrow and the stalls few in number. We actually almost nearly collided. I began a polite apology but then I looked up ... and it was her. It was like the time I actually met Donna ... she was walking out and I was walking in ...
"Hey, aren't you ... ?"
"Yeah ..."
"It's good to meet you."
Eye contact was made. Recognition. And then pleasantries. But when you walk away ... you're never the same. You're a better person because a stranger now has a face, a voice, a body and you have a friend.

I'm quite shaken by the encounter, actually. I'll never be the same.
"the mother-of-all muck"

I grew up in the village in the picture above. Sigh. ... the memories ... roller skating, May Day, hiding in fields, "slide-for-life", the produce market, the pizza restaurant, the public pool, cross-country skiing ... I knew every corner of this quaint little "dorf". There was this one time ...
Well ... anyway ... nothing like this every happened in MY village ... but it could have ... and sometimes it smelled like it had.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
bug man to the rescue

Tonight I met a friend at Logos and then we went to go see a play.
Imagine sitting in your older sister's room as she's getting ready for a date and listening to her talk on and on and on about how she was ready to start dating again, and how she met this guy, and how the Romanian Mafia was laundering money through the restaurant she was running, but then they find out that she's been stealing money from them to pay taxes to the Feds, and then the Mafia is after her, and ... And you just sit there and listen to her.
But don't worry, the story finally ends, because she's going to go drink coffee in the kitchen with the "bug guy" who ends up being a lawyer who convinces the police to arrest the Romanians, so THAT'S how he knew the Columbia law professor gay guy her mother set her up on a blind date with, and she did say that he had looked cute when she first met him at the Buddhist Book Readers lawn party (even though he talked about bugs most of the time).
Not recommended for men (you'd want to shoot your brains out).
sentimental drivvle
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
listen carefully
i almost called her Debbie

We were talking on the phone as I was running some errands and sharing with each other as we normally do. Of course, she's my mother and gives all sorts of motherly wisdom and advice. But more often than not, she's my dearest girlfriend. We bounce ideas off of each other in regards to ministry, theology, photography, and friendships. She's just as open to critique as I am. We share our weakness and call each other out to pursue more godly living.
But yesterday, I was so swept away by our friendship and my heart was broken by an experience she was going through that in a moment of passion I almost called my mother by her first name.
Have I ever told you how much I adore my parents?
Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Spargel Appreciation Day - 02/14/06

The first annual Spargel Appreciation Day was a great success. Handfuls of Southern Seminary students proudly paraded around campus with their token spear of Asparagus in they hands, in their suit coat pocket, in their headband, or poking out of their bookbags. Others not aware of the festive holiday flagged down the instigator of the day and wanted to know what it was all about.
"Well, let me tell you a little about the history. It all began ... two days ago."
Since I was not permitted to take part in an alternate holiday that generally occurs on the same day of the year, I was determined not to be left out. I would not roam the campus, SADdened by my single status ... what could I do? What could I do for those who may also feel left out? Then, out of partial inspiration from a friend, I determined to create my own holiday. No longer would February 14th brand unmarried individuals with a scarlet "S". There was no need for singles to mope around campus ... especially, when they had a new reason to celebrate.
Spargel Appreciation Day!
(Spargel is the German word for "Asparagus".)
So the night of the 13th, I sat in my living room preparing little goodies too hand out to my friends. Images of signing lame valentine cards with pictures of Daffy Duck on them flooded my memory. Shame for having not had the innovation to think of getting my mom to make individualized cakes for each of my classmates for the 5th grade class Valentine party tugged at my heart as I remembered not being the one with the coolest cards or treats.
No, tomorrow would be different. People would remember February, 14, 2006 and smile. Each time they ate Asparagus after that monumental date, they would say, "Back in '06 there was a girl at the seminary who passed out spears of Asparagus with red bows tied around them. Each one had a tag with a Fun Fact on it. It was weird. But memorable." And then they will sink into a daydream of remembrance.
Happy SAD!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
four things i would love to do
Dance of the Gypsies
Learn flamenco from a professional dancer in Granada. The private lesson takes place in a cave that was inhabited by gypsies, the originators of the flamenco, as far back as the 15th century-the ideal setting for this dance. Tapas, sangria, and live guitar and drum accompaniment will keep your feet moving. Cost: $400. Source: Virginia Irurita (see No. 46)
Diplomatic Dining
Have dinner with the U.S. ambassador and his art-enthusiast wife in their palace home in Prague, a 1920s architectual gem filled with art and antiques. Conversation may range from opera to politics, or from the life of a diplomat to the city's best sights. Cost: from $100, depending on the menu. Source: Martha Ganghen, Sterling Travel, Atlanta (800-447-2799; martha@sterlingtvl.com; sterlingtvl.com).
Go Racing with the Queen
View the Royal Ascot Races from a private box in the grandstand overlooking the Royal Box (the queen and her entourage attend daily, arriving by carriage with footmen in gold livery). The entire site has been renovated for 2006, and you'll have access to the horse paddocks as well. Cost: $2900 - $3940. Source: Susie Worthy (see No. 32).
Your Broadway Debut
If you're gaga about the Great White Way, a small fortune can get you on stage. Spend the afternoon with actors, singers, and dancers from your favorite show, attending costume fittings and rehearsals in preparation for your unforgetable debut--in a walk-on role. Cost $30,000 and up, depending on the show. Source: Kitt Garrett, Discover New York with Kitt Garrett, New York City (212-370-1319; sales@dnykg.com; dnykg.com).
Williams, Brook. "Experiences That Only Insiders Can Deliver" in Conde Nast Traveller . December 2005.

Diplomatic Dining

Go Racing with the Queen

Your Broadway Debut

Williams, Brook. "Experiences That Only Insiders Can Deliver" in Conde Nast Traveller . December 2005.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
not from my secret lover in Venezuela

Every year I receive a gorgeous bouquet of roses aound this time of year. One of my friends in college even caught me crying when I got it one year. So beautiful. Not so much the flowers themselves ... but the beauty of the love my father has shown me my whole life.

Monday, February 13, 2006
something besides chocolate
Perhaps you should get your sweetheart something besides chocolates this year.
why send a valentine?

You can't help but smile while watching Hoops and Yoyo. Click here for some Valentine cheer.
(ugh! i can't believe i just typed that! that was SO lame.)
Sunday, February 12, 2006
she's not your girlfriend ... what is she?

She’s not your girlfriend. But she is your friend.
She’s not your mom. But she is your sister in Christ.
She’s not a seat-filler. She’s got her own seat to fill.
She’s not your best friend. You’ve already got one.
She’s not your conscience. You’ve got one of those, too.
She’s not your day planner. Your aunt gave you one of those for Christmas.
She’s not your Jeannie in a Bottle. She’s a vulnerable human being who makes mistakes and likes to feel appreciated.
She’s not a damsel-in-distress. She’s a young woman who out of necessity has become independent.
… Yet she longs for someone to lead,
someone with a plan,
someone who desires her,
someone who appreciates her,
someone to run life’s race with,
someone to help as Eve was created to be the helper,
someone who’s not always right but she’d still abide by his decisions because he is her leader,
someone who will drive her crazy with his bad habits and she will drive him crazy with hers but they will be used of God to sanctify each other,
someone who will show her how the Church ought to relate to Christ by treating her like Christ treats the Church,
someone … she needs.
She’s not your girlfriend … What is she?
If she’s your friend, be honest.
If she’s your sister in Christ, be upright and don’t take her for granted.
If you use her to fill that empty spot in your life while waiting for that special someone to come along, it’s not fair to her.
If you’ve been treating her like a best friend, it’s not her place to fill.
If you’ve been depending on her to be your conscience, she can’t. She struggles with her own.
If you expect her to fill your schedule, it’s a waste of your time and hers.
If you have treated her like a Jeannie in a Bottle, she is tired and worn and you need to set her free.
If you expect her to play the damsel-in-distress, SLAY THE DRAGON AND SWEEP HER OFF HER FEET!!!
(picture from this weekend's Babble of the Sexes: Lorie, Michael, Hayley, Christine)
Saturday, February 11, 2006
they've got it all wrong

click here .
funny. you think they'd know better. which one is which?
(ignore the last line of the video ... it's dumb.)
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
ah, Juliet, there's more to it than you think

When Shakespeare wrote the scene in which Juliet leaned against her balcony and shouted to the moon "What's in a name?!!", her words falling instead upon the ears of a love-struck young man, he knew very little of what I found out only months ago: a name can bear much meaning.
I bring this up because Dr. Plummer invited our New Testament class to join him at The Sweet Tooth for some cake or pie this past Tuesday night. In order for everyone to get to know one another, he chose the topic of discussion to be the meaning of everyone's names. I wished so much that I could have been there!
Because my name is interesting.
The origin of my middle name's meaning is still unclear. Some have suggested that it means "a small booth on the side of the road in which newspapers and periodicals are sold." I have my doubts.
I've known for years and years that my first name means "follower of Christ."
But it gets better.
I've never met another Christine Hnat before. I hear there's one in Columbus, Ohio, who is a producer of an Actor's theater and makes art out of glass. hmm ... acting and art ... must run in the name. But when I lived in Prague this past summer, I felt as if I had arrived. These were my people, the land of my father's heritage. When I looked in the phone book under "Hnat", there were columns, instead of only one entry. One of my English students informed me that my name meant "shank bone" or "to drive" (as in a shepherd driving ... leading ... his flock out to pasture).
Gasp! How fitting! Christine Hnat ... one driven by Christ.
Oh, but it gets EVEN better.
A few months ago, I was piddling around and came across this meaning of the name Hnat .
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
the green goodness

People, before they meet me, have already named me.
hmm ... i think i'll keep that sentence the way it is and not say anything more. Those of you who know me have an idea of what i've been named. And those of you who don't ... well, let your imaginations run wild.
Anyway, I thought I'd tell you what I had to drink this morning. Bolthouse Farms has these great drinks found in the produce section just brimming with wholesome goodness. Naturally, I was intrigued by a beverage titled "green goodness". It helps not to look at it while you drink it, actually. And it sort of has the thickness of ... oil?
But get this ... get a load of the ingredients!
Apple juice from concentrate, pineapple juice from concentrate, mango puree from concentrate, banana puree, kiwi juice, natural flavor, spirulina, open cell chlorela, vitamin C, lime juice, zinc sulfate, BROCCOLI, green tea, SPINACH, BARLEY GRASS, WHEAT GRASS, BLUE GREEN ALGAE, echinacea purpurea extract, odorless GARLIC, tamarind puree, dragon fruit juice, lemon bioflavonoids, JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE and nova scotia dulce.
A Day Late and a Dollar Short
Third Scenario: how would you respond?

I’m a guy and have a girl friend who lives in the same building as me, and we hang out a lot. She calls or IMs me every day and tells me everything about her day. It makes me feel really close to her. We’ve been hanging out, doing lunch, dinner, talking, etc., for about two years, and yesterday she told me that she had a date with this new guy that just moved in next door. I was totally shocked. I thought that our friendship was working toward something. Where did I go wrong? Why would she do this to me?
--A Day Late and a Dollar Short
Babble of the Sexes
A Public Rant About Desperate Dating Habits
and the Opposite Sex
February 10, 7 p.m.

Hosted by the witty (and bordering on irreverent) Hayley and Michael DiMarco, best-selling authors of the book "Marriable- Taking the Desperate Out of Dating"
Topics include-
-Shut Up and Be Mysterious
-Nice Guys Really Do Finish Last
-Desperate Lies Women Tell Themselves
-How Being 'Just Friends' Is a Waste of Time
-a lively (and anonymous) Q & A time
Share February 10th at 7 p.m. with your closest single friends and
let Hayley and Michael put you in a festive mood on Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.).
Sponsored by Ninth and O Baptist Church and Hungry Planet
Location: Ninth and O Baptist Church, 4401 Breckenridge LN, Louisville, 40218
I’m a guy and have a girl friend who lives in the same building as me, and we hang out a lot. She calls or IMs me every day and tells me everything about her day. It makes me feel really close to her. We’ve been hanging out, doing lunch, dinner, talking, etc., for about two years, and yesterday she told me that she had a date with this new guy that just moved in next door. I was totally shocked. I thought that our friendship was working toward something. Where did I go wrong? Why would she do this to me?
--A Day Late and a Dollar Short
Babble of the Sexes
A Public Rant About Desperate Dating Habits
and the Opposite Sex
February 10, 7 p.m.

Topics include-
-Shut Up and Be Mysterious
-Nice Guys Really Do Finish Last
-Desperate Lies Women Tell Themselves
-How Being 'Just Friends' Is a Waste of Time
-a lively (and anonymous) Q & A time
Share February 10th at 7 p.m. with your closest single friends and
let Hayley and Michael put you in a festive mood on Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.).

Location: Ninth and O Baptist Church, 4401 Breckenridge LN, Louisville, 40218
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Mistaken for a Girlfriend
Second Scenario: how would you respond?

I have my eye on a certain guy at the volunteer center. We both work on projects together and spend a lot of time planning events, dreaming up possibilities, and stuff like that. We go out to eat at least once a week. He tells me all that’s going on in his life. I mean, it’s like we are dating but without the commitment or the holding hands or flirting or anything. I feel like we’re dating, but the other day he said something about this girl he likes, and it threw me for a loop. Why does he spend so much time with me if he’s not into me? And why would he tell me about another girl when it’s so obvious I like him? Shall I tell him how it makes me feel? Or just wait for him to talk about it?
--Mistaken for a Girlfriend
Babble of the Sexes
A Public Rant About Desperate Dating Habits
and the Opposite Sex
February 10, 7 p.m.

Hosted by the witty (and bordering on irreverent) Hayley and Michael DiMarco, best-selling authors of the book "Marriable- Taking the Desperate Out of Dating"
Topics include-
-Shut Up and Be Mysterious
-Nice Guys Really Do Finish Last
-Desperate Lies Women Tell Themselves
-How Being 'Just Friends' Is a Waste of Time
-a lively (and anonymous) Q & A time
Share February 10th at 7 p.m. with your closest single friends and
let Hayley and Michael put you in a festive mood on Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.).
Sponsored by Ninth and O Baptist Church and Hungry Planet
Location: Ninth and O Baptist Church, 4401 Breckenridge LN, Louisville, 40218

I have my eye on a certain guy at the volunteer center. We both work on projects together and spend a lot of time planning events, dreaming up possibilities, and stuff like that. We go out to eat at least once a week. He tells me all that’s going on in his life. I mean, it’s like we are dating but without the commitment or the holding hands or flirting or anything. I feel like we’re dating, but the other day he said something about this girl he likes, and it threw me for a loop. Why does he spend so much time with me if he’s not into me? And why would he tell me about another girl when it’s so obvious I like him? Shall I tell him how it makes me feel? Or just wait for him to talk about it?
--Mistaken for a Girlfriend
Babble of the Sexes
A Public Rant About Desperate Dating Habits
and the Opposite Sex
February 10, 7 p.m.

Topics include-
-Shut Up and Be Mysterious
-Nice Guys Really Do Finish Last
-Desperate Lies Women Tell Themselves
-How Being 'Just Friends' Is a Waste of Time
-a lively (and anonymous) Q & A time
Share February 10th at 7 p.m. with your closest single friends and
let Hayley and Michael put you in a festive mood on Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.).

Location: Ninth and O Baptist Church, 4401 Breckenridge LN, Louisville, 40218
Monday, February 06, 2006
The Dreaded Four Words
Here is the first excerpt from the chapter "How Being Just Friends Is a Waste of Time." How would you respond? The authors' response will be posted Tuesday morning.

I recently went out with this girl from work. We just went for coffee first, the second time to a singles event. I called her up for something more date-ish like dinner and a movie, and she hit me with the “let’s just be friends” line. Does this mean it’s all over? Couldn’t she be just wanting to take it slow? I say this because she called me a few days later just to talk. She’s too hard to read if she has any interest in dating me. What am I allowed to do as “just friends"? How do I get to know this girl and she me without wasting my time? The few times I brought it up she just avoided the subject. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope!
Babble of the Sexes
A Public Rant About Desperate Dating Habits
and the Opposite Sex
February 10, 7 p.m.

Hosted by the witty (and bordering on irreverent) Hayley and Michael DiMarco, best-selling authors of the book "Marriable- Taking the Desperate Out of Dating"
Topics include-
-Shut Up and Be Mysterious
-Nice Guys Really Do Finish Last
-Desperate Lies Women Tell Themselves
-How Being 'Just Friends' Is a Waste of Time
-a lively (and anonymous) Q & A time
Share February 10th at 7 p.m. with your closest single friends and
let Hayley and Michael put you in a festive mood on Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.).
Sponsored by Ninth and O Baptist Church and Hungry Planet
Location: Ninth and O Baptist Church, 4401 Breckenridge LN, Louisville, 40218

I recently went out with this girl from work. We just went for coffee first, the second time to a singles event. I called her up for something more date-ish like dinner and a movie, and she hit me with the “let’s just be friends” line. Does this mean it’s all over? Couldn’t she be just wanting to take it slow? I say this because she called me a few days later just to talk. She’s too hard to read if she has any interest in dating me. What am I allowed to do as “just friends"? How do I get to know this girl and she me without wasting my time? The few times I brought it up she just avoided the subject. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope!
Babble of the Sexes
A Public Rant About Desperate Dating Habits
and the Opposite Sex
February 10, 7 p.m.

Topics include-
-Shut Up and Be Mysterious
-Nice Guys Really Do Finish Last
-Desperate Lies Women Tell Themselves
-How Being 'Just Friends' Is a Waste of Time
-a lively (and anonymous) Q & A time
Share February 10th at 7 p.m. with your closest single friends and
let Hayley and Michael put you in a festive mood on Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.).

Location: Ninth and O Baptist Church, 4401 Breckenridge LN, Louisville, 40218
over the next three days

Over the next three days, I am going to post excerpts from Hayley and Michael DiMarco's book Marriable in order to promote the upcoming event on February 10th at 7 p.m. Ninth and O Baptist Church and HungryPlanet are sponsoring a public forum in which the author's will give an overview of their book and then conduct an open Q&A with the audience.
The excerpts are from the chapter How Being Just Friends Is a Waste of Time which can be read in full on their website. They will be scenarios and questions that the authors have found common among singles.
Each day the scenario will be posted and I encourage readers to post how you would respond. The following morning, I will post the response of the authors in the comments box.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
a hot cup of ...

Ah, just sitting by the window, bundled up, reading for class, watching the snow fall, and drinking tea.
Click here .
Saturday, February 04, 2006
go white boy

I figure if Nikki could invite the New Kids on the Block to her birthday party, I'm going to ask this guy to come to mine. Now THAT would be a fun party.
![]() | Go White Boy Watch it now on StupidVideos! |
walking in the clouds with my eyes on the earth
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