they really are adorable. i fell in love with them in Germany. much cuter than the SMART car ... although you're right, gumby171, it is a "clever" car.
Ich denke nicht, daß wir in der Person getroffen haben. Ich weiß, daß Sie Deutsches sprechen, weil ich Ihr Blog gelesen habe. You recently posted about Spargel Day
I only know a little German. I know a few phrases and have a German-English dictionary and a basic grammar buch. I speak much better Spanish (minored in it in college)and translate Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic quite a bit. Also, I have taken theological Latin and theological French at seminary. Languages are fun!
I don't know about the Ka. A year ago, when I was in the UK, I was slated to rent a Ka, but they gave me a Mondeo wagon instead, and I was grateful. The Ka looks a little dated these days. Have you seen the Citroen C-4 ads online??
I would be interested in reading your book about "enabling women to encourage their brothers-in-Christ to take their role as leaders," once you are finished with it. God bless.
not one to be lumped in with everyone else, i enjoy being different: i laugh when i ought to cry, i run off the sides of mountains, i can't answer the question 'where are you from?', i told my husband i loved him before i met him, and i'm a woman who is doing her part to reverse the negative trends of extreme feminism. i seek to encourage my brothers-in-Christ, and discuss ways in which women can do the same.
That's appalling. Cute car though. Click in the address bar and hit enter if you get an error message.
Your disclaimer is clever & excellent.
The car, on the other hand, is clever & sinister.
they really are adorable. i fell in love with them in Germany. much cuter than the SMART car ... although you're right, gumby171, it is a "clever" car.
Komisch. Ich lachte.
Danke vielmals, Hnat!
Hej! Wie wissen Sie dass ich Deutsch spreche? Kennen wir uns?
Ich denke nicht, daß wir in der Person getroffen haben. Ich weiß, daß Sie Deutsches sprechen, weil ich Ihr Blog gelesen habe. You recently posted about Spargel Day
I only know a little German. I know a few phrases and have a German-English dictionary and a basic grammar buch. I speak much better Spanish (minored in it in college)and translate Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic quite a bit. Also, I have taken theological Latin and theological French at seminary. Languages are fun!
Woah! I was like, oh, is that all? No, wait... no it WON'T!! NOO!! It didn't!!!
It did. :-)
Thanks for sharing!
i know! that's why it's so great!
and that's coming from a cat lover. it's just good film.
I don't know about the Ka. A year ago, when I was in the UK, I was slated to rent a Ka, but they gave me a Mondeo wagon instead, and I was grateful. The Ka looks a little dated these days. Have you seen the Citroen C-4 ads online??
I like cats, but I thought this was funny...and disgusting...:)
I don't know why, but I didn't find your comment on my blog until today. I guess you left it about 2 months ago!
-the other christine who likes to laugh
Poor cat, but cool blog.
I would be interested in reading your book about "enabling women to encourage their brothers-in-Christ to take their role as leaders," once you are finished with it. God bless.
Dan (T&Z)
I like cats, so... I didn't watch it!
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