Tonight I met a friend at Logos and then we went to go see a play.
Imagine sitting in your older sister's room as she's getting ready for a date and listening to her talk on and on and on about how she was ready to start dating again, and how she met this guy, and how the Romanian Mafia was laundering money through the restaurant she was running, but then they find out that she's been stealing money from them to pay taxes to the Feds, and then the Mafia is after her, and ... And you just sit there and listen to her.
But don't worry, the story finally ends, because she's going to go drink coffee in the kitchen with the "bug guy" who ends up being a lawyer who convinces the police to arrest the Romanians, so THAT'S how he knew the Columbia law professor gay guy her mother set her up on a blind date with, and she did say that he had looked cute when she first met him at the Buddhist Book Readers lawn party (even though he talked about bugs most of the time).
Not recommended for men (you'd want to shoot your brains out).
what's the name of the play?
"Bad Dates" by Theresa Rebeck
(Did I mention that she bought this wonderful pair of $300 Channel shoes for only $30!!! @!#%% her feet shrank ... or was it the shoes ... oh! but they're so cute!!! maybe she should frame them.)
are you sick yet, guys?
I found your blog through our common interest in Late Tuesday. I'm interested in your book. Many modern feminists have mistakenly, I feel, embraced a worldview contrary to human dignity. John Paul II had some interesting insights into feminism (and issues of human sexuality as well).
Dude, I thought it was a hilarious play. Saw it opening night.
I think a sizeable minority of men would like it, although admittedly, we men are more likely to laugh AT a girl who puts herself in those situations than WITH her.
Christine, did you make comments to your friend about each of the character's outfits -- whether or not she should have stuck with this blouse or thrown away that skirt, for instance? Just for my research ....
if it's for the noble cause of research ... um, no, i didn't make wardrobe comments. There was a point where i did think ... hmm, that's an interesting choice.
hey! "Seminarian", you're from Bellingham?!! ugh! what i wouldn't give to go to a Late Tuesday concert! I understand they're presently working on their new album.
Bobby was just happy because we were sitting front-row on the side where she did all her wardrobe changes.
Being the fashion maven that I am, I couldn't help but comment on the clothes choices... :)
i am brushing my teeth, i will be back in a moment.
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