I, Christine Hnat, have not used a stapler at all this semester. Oh yes, I have plenty of staples ... and I've handed all of my papers in with staples at a nice 45 degree angle in the top left corner when they required one. But I never used a stapler ... I don't have one. I wonder if I can go the entire rest of the semester just sticking them in by hand?
Poor Carmen... those stapler fascists have you aligned & in the dark like the very staples they wield in the cold shafts of their Streamlines. I have yet to use a stapler this semester, and I say stand up and fight, Christine! Fight stapler oppression!! We wanna be free to turn in our papers without getting hassled by the man!!
Office Space and Dilbert took on a whole new meaning after I worked a temp job doing data entry.
"Bob: Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately.
Peter: Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been 'missing' it, Bob."
*The Bobs and Peter laugh*
Christine, will you staple my papers?
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