I'm SUCH an idiot! Why do I let myself do this? Why do I persist in maintaining this facade?! Ugh! I'm such a freak! What will it take?!
You know what friends are for? ... pointing out that you're a MORON! (in the kindest way possible ... "um, by the way, did you know that you ...") oh, it's nothing that you don't already know yourself. It's just comforting that someone else knows. You know it sort of solidifies the fact ... just in case you were wondering!
It's going to take an entire revamping of my logic and an embracing of my vulnerability.
Oh God! Help Me! I am undone. Here I stand shaking before you, finally able to admit ... I cannot do it.
Does this picture not look like a particular aussie lass?
you noticed the similarities, too?
The jaw, the nose, the hair, the mouth, the skin colouring, the action: i thought it was her...or me..
i'm wondering if you know a certain artist i used to know?
It's a good possibility, I still know a couple of artists.
We've talked about this, Christine. Read in a book, months ago: the fact that Jesus was vulnerable. Very much so. To actually walk out of a perfect, safe situation (heaven), into an environment He knew would prove to be devilish in its rejection... That's pretty vulnerable. And now, for us, worst-case scenario couldn't even touch what He experienced for the sake of love. Teach us, Jesus.
From the real Karen Bramblet...
I do not ever remember posting the above two comments that claim to be from me. Who is forging my name? Please do not do that. It doesn't even sound like how I write. That's really weird. Plus I don't think the picture looks like me either.
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