If your life had a theme song, what would it be? "Man of Constant Sorrows"? or "Oops, I Did It Again!" ha ha ... I'm sure at some point in your life you've heard a song and you realized that they were singing about you. The opening song to the movie of my life would be "You Alone" by Late Tuesday. The song begins like this:
"Well, I've been so independent
I've roamed the streets of Europe
And I have crossed the oceans on my own
And I've never felt the burning need
To chat with people endlessly
In fact, my favorite company was me."
--"You Alone" by Late Tuesday
I can only pray that one day the rest of my life will play out like the rest of the song, but up until now the first stanza has been very accurate. However, I have found much pleasure recently in the enjoyment of good company. Enjoy the pictures from this weekend's festivities.


Corn Island Storytelling Festival.

Braer Possom and
The Exploding Frog

Ha Ha ... "Keep Your Distance" is the name of a new movie that was filmed here in Louisville. It seems a bit ironic however ...

I love the coptionand the original highlands festival picture.....it's a classic. WIshed I were there, I am sure it would have been that much better.
I didn't know there was a bluegrass festival in town!! Oh, to witness the menagerie of mullets, mumus, and mountain music that is a bluegrass festival.
The picture of the kid is GREAT.
Whoa! You have like a million pictures on this entry!! I am sad I missed Mimosa last night.
You can do whatever you wanted with the link...I didn't really understand what you were saying.
haha! That's funny!
Does it matter that it's not German and it is spelled Verzwyvelt?
Hey, you're on SBTSblogs.net! It does seem like every seminary student has a blog, but I met a guy named Jessie the other day while tearin' up Daniel Montgomery's house. After we introduced ourselves and I found out that he is a seminary student, I inquired, "So, do you have a blog?" And he answered, "No."
The moral of the story is some seminary students are not bloggers.
And I'd say "Oops I Did It Again" is a pretty good theme song for my life, mostly because I'm a klutz. :) Or that Doug Funnie theme song... do-do-doo-da-da-do-da-doo. Well, you kinda have to hear it.
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