This has been a watershed year for my family. My parents purchased a garden house for their church for the enjoyment of fellowship and the outdoors. And I ... I have made so many new friends ... friendships I had no idea would be forged through the medium of the internet.
And yet I can say with surety this is no MySpace friendship ... It's not a click of the button and ... woo hoo! we're friends!
Nor are these friendships stagnant ... what began by reading other people's blogs turned to private emails, instant messaging, snail mail, phone calls, and then seeing each other. Shiloh will most likely be the first of my new friends who I will finally be able to see in person (even before my beloved Michael).
Will it be awkward transitioning from blogger friends to in-person friends. Not if one takes the transition from blogger to skype (online free voice communication) friend as any indication. Shiloh and Nixter and I have already had some lovely voice conversations devoid of any form of awkwardness. We had already cultivated a friendship of trust and compatibility.
Now, I'm sure Jonny would say that the only reason I have a blog is so that I could snag myself a guy. But we all know that this in turn is only Mike's diabolical mastermind scheme to make some random American chick fall in love with him so that he can come to America, get a green card, and then murder the innocent, young maiden.
*Jenn, the chick in the middle, and I were first blog friends ... now we hold secrect huddles in the hallway Sunday nights discussing the deep things that only silly girls like us think of to talk about.
It is really cool that you get to see them...maybe it will be a practice for when you see Mike...keep me posted!
I feel a little left out :(
Ah heck ... Sajini ... how could I have forgotten you!!! I was even just calculating when I'd get to see you earlier this morning ... you and Bethy.
eek ... sorry.
now we hold secrect huddles in the hallway Sunday nights discussing the deep things that only silly girls like us think of to talk about.
One of the best things about sharehousing with girls! :)
sorry, Nix ... i've got to side with my boyfriend out of loyalty
Flipping Chavs...
I get mentioned and you talk of murder in the same paragraph!
Until recently, I don't think Mike was planing to go overseas, ever.
ah ... all part of his elaborate plan to come find fame and fortune in America by killing a random chick just so they'll make a made-for-tv movie about him and he can write a book about his experience ... how clever is that!
make everyone believe that he is generally opposed to travel in general and trash-talk America and Americans. And then .... BAM! ... "Yeh, so I'm going to America in November ... flippin' arrogant Americans ... oh, no it's okay ... I can say that cuz I'm dating an American."
I find it interesting that he only calls me an American when it's convenient for him ... in all other instances he's not quite sure what nationality he should refer to me as.
"Um she's not really American ... she sort of ... well, her parents ... she moved to ... (sigh of exasperation) ... she's more European ... but not really..."
You are disturbed.
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