Ever since I was a little girl watching from my window as Superman swooped down and time after time saved our fair city or at times the entire world ... I dreamed of being a superhero's sidekick. Sigh ...
As I grew older I knew that if I really wanted to make a difference in the world I could not wait around for a full-fledged superhero to find and recruit me to liberate the planet alongside him. Lives needed to be saved and evil men and women brought to justice. So I donned my bullet-proof bracelets and fastened on my Lasso of Truth and went to work. (Saving the world is often such a thankless occupation but rewarding, nonetheless.)
But now, Dear Diary, I've met a real-life superhero. We're a team ... able to do so much more good together than apart. A dream come true ...
I find, however, that my brain is having difficulty wrapping itself around the concept of being a sidekick. I was good at what I did ... at a moment's notice I could leap over a building, punch a terrorist's lights out, tie him up, and be gone before the authorities came to bring him in. Perhaps it all went to my head ... the parades, the Time magazine covers, the little girls who wanted to be just like me. I was Wonder Woman ... now am I to be content with being Bat Girl?
WHAT AM I THINKING?!! When he and I work together it's more rewarding than any evil mastermind scheme I've ever foiled. He loves me. He respects me and relies on my powers and experience to complete him. I am no longer merely the world's superhero ... but I am also HIS superhero ... and he is mine. I would gladly hand my lasso down to my protege to wear the black cape. (I might like to keep the bracelets as a keepsake, however.)
Perhaps you could think of it more as being Elastigirl to his Mr. Incredible. ;)
yeh, i was thinking about her too
Of course Batman and Batgirl were never an item. Batgirl was Commissioner Gordon's daughter after all.
There was some romantic tension between Batman and Catwoman, but in the end she's a bad guy.
Superman and Wonder Woman had a brief thing a few years back, but it didn't work out.
Maybe you could be Sue Storm (Invisible Girl) to his Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) of the Fantastic Four.
Sheesh I read too many comic books as a kid, didn't I?
Whilst appreciating the tone of your post I'm wondering whether comments such as We're a team ... able to do so much more good together than apart and He ... relies on my powers and experience to complete him are particularly helpful?
I know... I know... it's all a bit of fun. But at the same time I wonder if you realise what you are implying for those men and women who aren't part of a 'team'... for those who are single and who find value and completeness under God, despite not having a 'superhero' partner?
Sorry to lower the tone! Maybe I'm taking it just a tad too seriously... in which case just ignore me.
boy, you just can't please everyone, can you!?!
that's NOT what i'm implying at all.
As a very independent, single woman I was very much capable to fulfill by God's grace the course that he had set before me.
But now my course has merged with another ... i have a new mission ... a new purpose ... and in order to achieve that purpose I need Michael.
That's not saying that when we were single that we were incomplete.
But the Bible is very clear about the idea of "the two shall become one" ... that's where I'm coming from.
It's not a matter of trying to please everyone. I was just wondering if what you had written was particularly helpful. I don't know you at all, have just stumbled across your blog and was just a bit suprised at what I understood the implications of what you were saying to be.
That's not saying that when we were single that we were incomplete- OK. I'm glad to hear that is not what you meant. But I don't think you can really blame me for misunderstanding it based on your unqualified comment about him needing you to complete him.
Sorry to have caused you offense- especially since I suggested that perhaps I had taken what you said too seriously.
CK, don't worry too much about anonymous commenters...
I would have to say that you are more like Patty Mayonaise to his Quail Man...He was always my favorite.
CK - feel free to not add qualifications to everything you post (well, most things you post anyway).
Qualifications (almost) ALWAYS make things more complicated (and less easy to follow).
I love sarcasm (well, not _love_, but I really, really like it).
Of course batman and batgirl are an item. I always thought they should be, anyways.
How will I ever become wonder woman? Hmm...
Wait a sec...
Check my blog tomorrow...i'll write about this one...
Have fun saving the world as a team. It's better when you have someone to share your victories(and defeats) with.
I think you should come up with a completely new and unique "superpower". Hmmm, what could it be?
To be honest, Christine, from what I know about sidekicks, more often than not they just get the real superhero into trouble. The reason why Superman does not have a sidekick is, that the Man of Steel just does not want that steel ball tied to his ankle. That's where the analogy breaks down. Why do we have to see relationships in hero-sidekick roles? Why not, let's see... equality in value and dignity, difference in roles? Sidekicks are sidekicks simply because they will never be real superheros. If you need a comic analogy, try the Justice League...
the anonymous Czech
flippin' Czechs!
; )
I came across your blog on the SBTSblogs, and finally figured out how I recognize you! You're in my counseling class with Dr. Scott :) I don't think I've met you yet but figured this was at least a good start! Have a good night~ Grace and peace~
I'm sorry -- did the first 'anonymous' miss that you were Wonder Woman when you were without your Batman?
Wonder Woman?? Whats wrong with that? I'm lost...
anonymous #1 - nah, don't worry about it ... i was in a silly mood when i responded to you. i didn't take offense. i've just been having to qualify my statements A LOT lately. Honestly, if this wasn't my blog and this was posted a couple of months ago I would have been miffed that you had written what you had before I could. For those who have followed my blog longterm know that I'm an advocate of singles ... still am ... just enjoying a new journey i'm on ... not necessarily better just different.
Thanks Christine. Glad you didn't take offense. My intention wasn't to be argumentative (despite the fact that obviously some commentators on here appear to think it was, or that because I posted anonymously my comment is of little value).
I just think we need to be thoughtful about how we talk about singleness. As we all know there are a lot of people who really struggle with not having their own 'sidekick' and to read (even in the most tongue-in-cheek way) that they are somehow incomplete or not able to do as much good as a couple can just feeds their insecurities rather than encouraging them towards contentment.
I've been really encouraged and impressed by what else I have read on your blog so far, so I am sorry if my comment came across too negatively.
hmm, Czech Dude, not all sidekick's are a burden. what about THIS duo? (not that they were dating ... ew!)
sure :)
hi stumbled across your blog via sydney anglicans somehow- weird. Anyway I really liked this post but I thought it was actually about your coversion (hence the other superhero being Jesus) but after I read your comments it appears that you are talking about a guy. oh well. It's still creative so well done. (PS I liked the food post too - food and eating should be Beautiful).
that duo you linked is a bunch of LOOOOOSERS!!!!!
look who's typing!
and i just happen to be "bff+ie" with YOUR sidekick so watch what you type, buster!
I used to watch Inspector Gadget every day. I thought the real team was the girl and the dog.
Christine, you are swimming with romantic imagination, which is great. It shows inteligence. My only concern is most guys will be half a step behind you rather than in front when it comes to imagining who is helping who, who is leading, who is the hero and how much it matters. (Even I had to read this twice). But that's ok, we don't all have to understand. As long as we are doing a job.
This may be a complete ding bat and inappropriate question so I apologize - but did you two get married? I am confused about the two becoming one - I thought that happened in marriage.
lol! nah, you're not a "ding bat", Bethy ... and we're not married. sorry about that. call me revolutionary but i think 2 becoming 1 is a process. A process that Mike and I are exploring to see if that what lies before us ... God willing. hmm ... does that make sense?
The problem with being a lone superhero is that it's, well, lonely.
Whereas being part of a superhero family is a foretaste of heaven.
And every pastor needs a genuine superhero at his side...
yes, it does..I know it's a process but I tend to think of the moment of marriage as two becoming one - spiritually, supernaturally, physically, etc...
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