Monday, November 21, 2005

should i?


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun and something right up your alley.

Seriously thinking about it?

Bobby said...

Yes. So far it's unanimous.

I saw you at Sojourn last night but didn't realize who you were. Tom Branch was harrassing me about that Harvey person and you were standing next to him. Then when you walked off he said "That's Christine from the blog world."

So now I know you're a real person. Unless Tom was faking me out again.

ckjolly said...

When Tom said, "There's Bobby." I found myself searching the masses for a sombrero. To my disappointment I didn't see a single head in the crowd adorned with such an accessory. Then he went off on some guy about Harvey Brown (may he rest in peace) ... so I took it as my cue to vamoos. You should really wear the sombrero if you want people to recognize you in public ... ; )

Bobby said...

Hahaha. Actually, that picture was taken at a friend's birthday party. The party was held in a Mexican restaurant. For whatever reason, everyone thought it would be hilarious to stick a decorative sombrero on my head. I wasn't amused at the time, but I like the picture now.

Anonymous said...

i mean really, what is she going to get out of it. She'll go (after being nervous for two days), do some absurd reading from P&P, then wait for three weeks for them to call her back. Which they won't because they will just use the same people they always do. And if they do (which they won't), then she will have to sit in practice every night when she should be studying or saying "yes" to one of her many sutors. (who are now asking, due to the desperation of previous posts). So i will stick with "no"

Jason Ramage said...

"sutors" should be spelled "suitors."

I've always thought acting would be a ton of fun, but I'm probably not very good at it. Although I do like trying to see if people believe crazy things I make up on the spot.

But hey, won't it be fun to tell your grandkids about your "waiting tables at Denny's while acting" phase in life? :)

ckjolly said...

Denny's?!! no. I'd have a heartattack breathing in all that grease! i'd probably get a temp job as a receptionist at a dentist office instead.

mike said...

I love You