This afternoon I was thrilled to receive a package slip in my mailbox. The woman behind the counter handed me an 8"x8" little box wrapped in yards of packing tape. I peaked at the address ... Andrew Whositwhatsit (okay, i don't remember ... but there was something about PayPal on the box). Something from ebay? After removing three Sunday newspapers from the contents I found this tea cup and matching saucer. Okay, who's responsible for this?!!

Oh, yes. And this note was with it.
Ohhh boy, do I love a mystery! Let me put my investagative reporter cap on... Well, it's got to be someone you went out for coffee with recently. That, or someone who knows you're into tea - which could be anyone. Probably a guy, maybe very sweet, but shy or clever. Or a friend you either did something nice for recently or maybe he/she felt they needed to do something nice for you for a change. this isn't helping is it? but wow what a neat gift.
now that i think about it ... the note is probably from the ebay merchant. you know ... "thanks for buying my stuff"
did i accidently buy something in my sleep one night?
And why would you ever just buy one cup? Unless you just planned on not having anyone else. Just drinking your lone cup of tea all by yourself...
Wow! That is very strange. Kathy's got a good idea though to contact the seller. At least the mystery buyer knows you well enough to know you will definitely be putting that to use.
I have an idea who anonymous is, but I don't want to spoil the surprise in case I'm right ....
so ... "sombrero bobby" and anonymous are friends? hmm ... that just makes our non-meeting Sunday night that much weirder.
Oh, no ... it's not someone I've ever spoken with. Not if my hunch is right.
But perhaps I am on the wrong trail. You have definitely got my curiousity up. I can't wait till you give us all the low down.
i don't have a pseudonym ... just in case you were insinuating something, bobby. i'm a harsh critic of myself ... but never downright cruel. i'm more concerned right now with another mystery.
Yes, I was starting to believe that maybe A. was the "voice" of your inner critic, on the grounds that no one could be that mean.
But since I was wrong, let me say that you have handled your responses with incredible grace.
I love that tea cup..and I would buy one tea cup because I think a tea party with mismatched china is the most fun...and I would love to have mismatched sets of polka dot china..whoever sent it has a flare for the creative and a fun yet mysterious side...very cool!
Wow, that tea cup is so cool. I am jealous!!!
unfortunately 'bluegal7' or any variation doesn't appear to have sold any teacups in the last 30 days. maybe it's from a Nigerian who will soon send you a cashiers check for $100k to reclaim his great mothers tea cup of great worth. you just have to deposit $50k in his bank account to cover his coup' of the moment.
I wonder who it was from... not me but I love you
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