What colors would I mix to get that color?
I decided to boil some water and make a cup of the finest black tea from my hometown of Celle, Germany. As my spoon disrupted the contents of the bag, the aroma of tea leaves, vanilla, almond, orange, and a splash of kakao invaded my senses. It was a feeling of when you feel your eyes roll back into your head and you are nothing but the sense of smell. Your ears smell. Your fingers smell. Your tongue smells. Your heart smells. Your mind smells. Visions of running through red and golden leaves in the moonlight. Scarves. Flushed cheeks. Laughter.
and then it came to me ...
I returned to the window.
Pure Prussian Blue.
Pretty unusual stand. May He bless you.
Wow. That is the most beutiful post I've ever read.
Thank You for that post, the Lord has blessed you with wonderful prose. Everything he touches..is truly beautiful.
In Christ,
Nein, meine lieblings Farbe ist jetzt gruen. Aber vor viele jahren, als ich in College war, Blau war ohne Frage mein lieblings Farbe. Meine beste Freundin nehnte mich "Blue Fairy."
No, your favorite colour is blue-green, or would that be bleen? or maybe grue? okay, maybe not, so i guess it could be green, what do i know.
ha ha ... careful there amigo ... you sound a bit too authoritative concerning MY taste in color. nevertheless, your colorful calculations, dear Calgary, are correct. I am rather fond of grue-bleen.
Wow, I feel so inferior. I can't comment in German...but I love that fur teaset. We studied it in art history. So cute and cuddly...but furry tea...hmm.
That's exactly what I was thinking - furry tea... hmmm...
And as far as smell - I lost my sense of smell a few years ago in the mountains in Colorado. I haven't since gone back to look for it, but let me tell you, APPRECIATE that the Lord allows you to smell, because while it may not be as important as sight and hearing, it's so strongly tied to memories that I've noticed my memories are not as vivid anymore, as they once were.
I miss being able to smell things. I think I just might post about all the things I miss being able to smell. Thanks for the motivation to reminisce on a lost sense.
First of all, where in the world did the fuzzy dinnerware come from? How wonderfully bizzare.
Second, Jonathan, what do you mean by lost your sense of smell? Do actually have complete anosmia? From an accident? Very curious.
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